There are no additional fees, so the price you pay is the amount the recipient can use towards any of our adventures. When booking you can make a note for the type of trip you thought best fit the occasion if you would like.
2 Hours: $75
4 Hours: $100
Full Day (back by 5pm): $120
2 Days: $157
3 Days: $200
Additional Days: $50 Per Day
2 Hours: $100
4 Hours: $140
Full Day (back by 5pm): $175
2 Days: $213
3 Days: $300
Additional Days: $75 Per Day
2 or 3 People: $225 Per Person
4 Or More: $175 Per Person
1 Person (1 Night): $150
1 Person (2-4 Nights): $225
2 People (1 Night): $200
2 People (2-4 Nights): $300
1 Person (1 Night): $150
1 Person (2-4 Nights): $225
2 People (1 Night): $200
2 People (2-4 Nights): $300
Point Reyes Adventure Co.